Crimean Tatars Welcomed Peter Simonenko with Rotten Eggs and Slogans «Fascist»…

22 August 2012
Crimean Tatars Welcomed Peter Simonenko with Rotten Eggs and Slogans «Fascist»…

On August 22, 2012 the leader of CPU Peter Simonenko held meeting with the electors – residents of Crimea in the central square in Simferopol.

According to the eye-witnesses, the participants of the meeting, called to demonstrate the support of the Communist Party of Ukraine and its leader were supported financially. However, despite this fact only around 300 people came to the meeting with Peter Simonenko, mainly elderly people and young men, hired as flag-bearers.

Before the beginning of the meeting Crimean Tatars started gathering in the square, indignant at the cynic and humiliating statements of Peter Simonenko, made from the tribune of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on May 16, 2012. As reported, in his speech Peter Simonenko justified the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people, committed on May 18, 1944.

Crimean Tatars carried the national flags and slogans “No Revival of Fascism in Ukraine!”, “Simonenko on Trial!”, “Simonenko Get Out of Crimea!”

 “During the whole speech of the “main communist” of Ukraine, lasting around an hour Crimean Tatars were shouting slogans “Simonenko fascist” “Shame on you!”, “Simonenko Get out of Crimea!” They also threw rotten eggs towards the scene where Simonenko spoke…

In conclusion of the meeting Peter Simonenko, accompanied by the guard of the special detachment of the law enforcement agency and cries “Shame!” was urgently taken away from the square.

The First Vice-Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov has commented on the event: “In any civilized country the politician who made such statement, justifying the act of the genocide against any people would stop being a public figure form the very moment he did it. The tragedy of Ukraine, the tragedy of Crimea is that the moral deformities, justifying the mass crimes against any people – Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, Jews – could use the status of the MP of Ukraine, to travel around the country with the guard and speak before people that have no idea of the scale and those who were guilty in those disasters that the previous generations suffered …”

In conclusion of the action, Refat Chubarov thanked all Crimean Tatars who came to the square following the dictates of their heart and demonstrated their aversion of such politicians as Peter Simonenko.

At this, Refat Chubarov regretted that there were so small number of representatives of other nationalities among the protesters, but he added “we are sure that their eyes will open soon and such moral deformities as Peter Simonenko won’t have access to Ukrainian policy once and forever”.