Crimean Tatars Smashed Up Provocative Exhibition, Dedicated to Stalin

On December 21, 2012 Crimean Tatars smashed up the exhibition, dedicated to the 133rd anniversary of birth of one of the cruelest tyrants in the history of a mankind who committed the most terrible crimes – Joseph Stalin.

The exhibition was organized by Crimean branch of Russian organization “Essence of Time – Crimea” in the most packed places of the center of Simferopol. The member of this organization Viktor Mironov informed the passersby about the aims of the exhibition, handing leaflets. At this he alleged that the deportation of Crimean Tatars was the right act of Joseph Stalin.

Crimean Tatars were very indignant at this exhibition, dedicated to crying of many nations of the USSR, including Crimean Tatars. Scanting: “Get this shit and fascist out of here” they overturned the stands and painted swastika on them. Many chanted: “Stalin and Hitler – fascists!”

Militia officers, standing next to the exhibition were reasonable and reserved. Addressing Crimean Tatars V.Smirnov asked them to calm down, stating that he allegedly understands their emotions. Everything finished without any accidents. No one was hurt in a doomsday.

The doomsday came for the provocative exhibition of Stalin’s odious personality.