Crimean Tatar National School in Qalay Settlement Celebrates its 15th Anniversary!

On September 1, 1997 Crimean Tatar school was opened in Qalay settlement, Dzhankoy region. Its school-leavers were enrolled to the institutions of higher educationin Crimea, Ukraine, Poland and Turkey.
The school that started its work without windows and doors today takes a respectable place among the best schools of the region. Today the school celebrates its 15th anniversary.
In 1997 Crimean Tatars, living in Qalay (Mayskoe) village, Dzhankoy region addressed the local authorities asking them to allot the half-ruined building of the former kindergarten for the national school. However, the local authorities and Crimean administration were against it. Then the parents of the future schoolchildren had to take the building. They put the building in order and on September 1 there was a ceremonial opening and the school received its first pupils.

Today 192 schoolchildren are taught at this school. More than 100 pupils study at the evening department of Qalay madrasah.
The school’s 15th anniversary turned into a real bright holiday. The school’s faculty, the parents, village and regional community, as well as the official guests congratulated each other with this remarkable event. The representative of the Ministry of education and science, youth and sports of ARC Zarema Suleymanova read and gave the headmaster the letter of congratulation, signed by the Minister of Education Vitalina Dzos.

The Head of the department of education of Dzhankoy Regional State Administration Viktor Pyatnikovsky, methodologist in Crimean Tatar language and literature Maire Suleymanova, Head of Dzhankoy Regional Council Alena Chernikova presented the letters of commendation. Along with the congratulations the school was made a lot of presents. The children and teachers enjoyed the copy machine, summer tent and football balls.

The Secretary of Crimean Federation “Kuresh” Enver Useinov on behalf of the Head of the Federation Lenur Islyamov presented the school the sport mats for wrestling and the certificates. Dzhankoy Regional Mejlis, the headmasters and teachers of the nearby schools from Qamadzhy (Zarechnoe) and Qurman villages congratulated heartily their colleagues with the holiday.

The MP of ARC, Head of Association “Maarifchi” Safure Kadzhametova was among those who opened the school 15 years ago. In her speech Safure odzha congratulated the schools’ collective with the anniversary and promised to promote improving of the material and technical situation of the school in the future.
The performances of the talented schoolchildren decorated the holiday. Every one enjoyed their songs and dances.