Crimean Tatar Language Was Granted Regional Status In Novoalekseevka Settlement

On April 19, 2013 the session of the Village Council of Novoalekseevka village (Genichesk district, Kherson region) adopted the decision to give the regional status to Crimean Tatar language. This news came from the Head of Regional Mejlis of Kherson region Asan Aliev, IA “QHA” reports.
The session was attended by 22 deputies; including 22 that vote for this decision and 2 abstained.
Thus since this day Crimean Tatar language obtained the status of the regional language in Novoalekseevka settlement.
According to Asan Aliev many Crimean Tatars, including the elders came to the session to support this voting.
“Today the event that will enter the history of the Crimean Tatar people took place in Novoalekseevka settlement. On April 19, 2013 the regional status was given to Crimean Tatar language in our settlement,” – The Head of Village Council Alexander Burkovsky started his speech. After that the Head of Genichesk Regional State Administration Seitumer Nimetullaev took the word and told about the status of Crimean Tatar language and asked the deputies to support this decision. After that the deputies started expressing their opinions concerning this issue. There was a serious opposition,”- the Head of Regional Mejlis of Kherson region Asan Aliev explained.
During his speech at the Village Council’s session Asan Aliev told the deputies what the native language means for the Crimean Tatar people. “In my speech I noted that there are a lot of people, belonging to different nationalities living in peace for more than 45 years in Genichesk region. I told that our Crimean Tatar language was ranked among the UNESCO’s lists of endangered languages,”- A.Asanov noted.
“The adoption of this decision provides a certain legal basis that would let us open Crimean Tatar groups in kindergartens. We will also ask to increase the number of Crimean Tatar lessons at schools,”- A.Asanov concluded.