Crimean Tatar Diaspora in The Netherlands Honored Memory of Victims of Genocide of Crimean Tatar People

On May 18, 2013, on the day of Crimean Tatar national mourn, the organizations of Crimean Tatar disaporas hold actions in the EU member-states, commemorating the victims of the genocide of Crimean Tatar people, demanding from Ukraine the immediate restoration of the rights of Crimean Tatar people on their Homeland.
According to the General Chairman of the Western European Crimean Tatar Center of Solidarity Mr Mehmet Tutuncu the meeting commemorating the victims of the deportation of Crimean Tatar people was held in Hague on May 18, 2013 before the building of the Ukrainian Embassy.
Mr Ebubekir Ozture, Head of Muslims of the Netherlands, Mr Veis Gungor, Head of the Union of European Turkish Democrats and Mr Ali Ihsan Unal, Head of the Federation of Communities of the Islamic Culture of Turks took part in the meeting.
The event started with dua (prayer) for the souls of those who died during the deportation and in the post deportation period. After that they hold one minute’s silence in remembrance of the victims of the tragic events of 1944.
Before the beginning of the meeting the national anthem of Crimean Tatar people was performed. The General Chairman of the Western European Crimean Tatar Center of Solidarity Mr Mehmet Tutuncu spoke before the participants of the meeting.
He told about the horrors of the forced exile and wished the grace of God to the late.
Mr Tutuncu noted that the goal of their meeting was protesting against Mr Mogilev’s hostile attitude to the Crimean Tatars and added that they expect Ukraine taking measures to solve this issue. The participants of the meeting also passed the letter to the Ukrainian Embassy to the Netherlands demanding the observance of the rights of Crimean Tatar people.
Mrs Emine Bozkurt, MEP, Crimean Tatar that took part in the meeting, read the address to the Mejlis of Crimean Tatar People expressing their concern about the policy of the present Head of the Council of Ministers of Crimean Mr Mogilev.
The Ambassador of Ukraine to the Netherlands Mr Alexander Gorin couldn’t take part in the meeting, as he was in New York, but proposed to hold the common event next year.