Crimean Tatar Deputies Provide Help for Crimean Tatar Class in School #26

In the middle of December the class of Crimean Tatar language and literature in school #26 obtained new sun breakers, the teachers and pupils dreamed of for a long time. It happened due to the support of the member of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, member of Simferopol City Council Sadykh Tabakh, member of Simferopol City Council Seytumer Berberov and delegate of Qurultay, member of the Council of the Central District of Simferopol Liliya Muslimova.
The teacher of Crimean Tatar language and literature of school #26 Lenure Adzhiametova agreed to tell about the school life, the number of hours, provided for teaching the native language, how many Crimean Tatar pupils attend the school and about other problems.
“First of all,- Lenure odzha told, – I’d like to thank those who helped us and bought these sun breakers. Itgotbetterwiththem. Manythankstothem! In the framework of the international project our school was repaired, the school had new windows. I looked at them and thought it is good, but what should I do with the sun that shines right into my and pupils’ eyes. They couldn’t focus on their lessons. The deputies of different councils Sadykh Tabakh, Seytumer Berberov and Liliya Muslimova responded to the request for help. I’m very grateful for such pleasant New Year gift, many thanks to them!”
Lenure odzha also told that 34 Crimean Tatars pupils attend the school and each of them does their best to learn their native language.
“34 pupils are divided into 2 groups: junior and secondary,- Lenure odzha told. Unfortunately, we have very little hours – 4 hours per week – 2 hours per every group. We would like to have more hours and we believe that our propositions will be taken into consideration in the educational department, concerned”.
The teacher also thanked the principal Lyubov Balashova for her support of all the initiatives and ideas, relating to Crimean Tatar language. Thus, for example, according to Lenure Adzhiametova the school has “the decades of the native language”, when the representatives of every nation present their culture, traditions, customs. We also have the events, dedicated to Crimean Tatar holidays and mourning dates.
The question asked – if pupils, belonging to other nationalities study Crimean Tatar language, she answered: “Yes, many pupils got interested first, but then give it up. I don’t know if it is related to the family or something else, but I’m happy that children treat each other tolerantly and with understanding”.
In conclusion, answering the question – what else should be done for the class – the teacher answered that it would be great to have a computer and an e-board. “It would be great if we would have at least a computer, but I don’t even hope for this in the nearest future,”- the teacher said.
Lenure Adzhiametova’s pupils also came and thanked the patrons that helped their class. They sang the well-known Crimean Tatar songs and read Crimean Tatar poetry.