Crimean Tatar Cultural-Ethnographic Center to Open in Yalta

09 June 2012
Crimean Tatar Cultural-Ethnographic Center to Open in Yalta

The ceremonial opening of the Crimean Tatar Cultural-Ethnographic Center to be held on June 12, 2012 in Yalta.

The idea of creation of the Crimean Tatar Cultural-Ethnographic Center was initiated by the activists from Yalta and was supported by the Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev, Charitable Organization “Foundation Qrim” and the Head of the Department on interethnic relations and migration of Yalta Town Council Zair Smirnov, as well as the active participation of Zarema Mensitova who prepared and collected the exhibits.

The CEO of Foundation “Qrim” Riza Shevkiev told more about the Center.

According to R. Shevkiev the exterior of the Crimean Tatar Cultural-Ethnographic Center will be made in Crimean Tatar style. Every room of the Center will embody the world of the Crimean Tatar people, showing the life style and work of our ancestors.

 “I would also like to mention about the support of Mustafa aga Jemilev,- CEO of Foundation “Qrim” continued. Due to his participation and meetings with the representatives of Yalta Town Council we were allotted the premises. Manythankstohim! Hiscontributionwasjustimmense!”

Riza Shevkiev also noted that in the future the Center is going to show also the interior with furniture and dishware, pottery, musical instruments, chimney and many more to the guests and inhabitants of Yalta.

The creators of the Crimean Tatar Cultural-Ethnographic Center note that their main goal is to preserve the cultural heritage, work with young generation, develop handicrafts and training.

The ceremonial opening of the Crimean Tatar Cultural-Ethnographic Center to be held on June 12, 2012 in Yalta.