Crimean Muftiat Declared Architectural Competition for the Best Design of Buyuk Juma Jami

23 June 2011
Crimean Muftiat Declared Architectural Competition for the Best Design of Buyuk Juma Jami

As is known, on June 17, 2011 the Religious Board of Crimean Muslims obtained the State Act on permanent use of land plot on 22, Yaltinskaya Str. in Simferopol for construction of Juma Jami complex – the Central Mosque. Thus, due to completion of all documents required for further actions related with preparation to construction of Juma Jami, the Religious Board of Crimean Muslims proceeds to the next stage – official announcement of the competition for the best design of Juma Jami.

The deputy mufti of Crimea Ayder Ismailov announced that at the press conference held in the Religious Board of Crimean Muslims on June 22, 2011.

“The Religious Board of Crimean Muslims in the framework of the program and terms of the competition has its goal to obtain the design of the complex Buyuk Juma Jami (Central Mosque) in Aqmescit on competitive basis which will provide the best propositions on architectural, 3D design and functional design of the building,”- A. Ismailov said.

The representative of RBCM Jemil Bibishev informed the competitors with the tasks and demands of the competition: “One of the main tasks of the competition is selection of the best principles in the image of Buyuk Juma Jami (Central Mosque), with traditional Crimean Tatar and Muslim elements applied in architecture: four minarets – a construction for calling to prayer, representing itself an illuminated tower, domes or dome system and the most important – a prayer hall accommodating up to four thousand praying people”.

The main task of the interior decoration of the praying hall is to achieve an expressive decorative sounding bearing the characters of Crimean Tatar tradition. The complex of Buyuk Juma Jami must also include an administrative building of Muftiat. The territory of the complex must be equiped with all the necessary facilities and green spaces in compliance with the standards, with parking lot, resting pavilions, fountains, architectural ladscape elements and two watch posts.

The participants of the press conference also stressed that the competition will be closed and the applicants will be given a special number. Experts from Ukraine and other countries, expert composite authors, legal entities are eligible to take part in the competition, on condition that they will officially submit the application about the decision to take part in the competition in a writing form to the competition holder, or will be invited by the competition holder to take part in the competition, will be registered as a participant of the competition and will submit the projects that meet the fixed requirements within the deadline set. Age is not limited.

The beginning of the competition – June 23, 2011.

The end of the competition – August 23, 2011.

Public discussion of the projects participating in the competition will last until September 1, 2011.

Announcement of the results of the competition will be made before September 10, 2011.

The winners of the competition are provided with the following awards:

First place – 8000 UAH.

Second place – 6000 UAH.

Third place – 4000 UAH.

The winners of the competition are eligible to take part in development of the design estimates and construction supervision in order to preserve the author’s idea of the complex. Every person willing to take part in the competition should submit an application to RBCM in which one has to provide following information: the title of organization (or person’s full name), address, telephone, fax, email.

After the registration of the application the participants of the competition will be provided with the requirements specification for draft design of Buyuk Juma Jami. “We hope that the future complex of Buyuk Juma Jami (Central Mosque) will become one of the sights of Crimea and its capital – Aqmescit, a symbol of good and mutual understanding of all its inhabitants,”- A.Ismailov said.

Let’s remind that every person willing to make one’s personal contribution to construction of Buyuk Juma Jami (Central Mosque) and earn the grace of God could make one’s charitable contribution to the special account of RBCM – 4, Kurchatov Str., Simferopol, ОКПО 23450183, р/с 26009265071, МФО 380805 “Raiffeisen Bank Aval”, Kyiv. Details of payment: “Construction of the Central Mosque in Simferopol”.

May Allah reward everyone for sincere intentions and good works!

Source: information provided by   RBCM  and   QHA