Crimea Makes Firm Statements on the Need of Integration of Ukraine in the EU

01 June 2011
Crimea Makes Firm Statements on the Need of Integration of Ukraine in the EU

June 1, 2011 Simferopol Crimean Universal Scientific Library named after Ivan Franko housed the round table titled: “Ukraine and the EU: From Partnership to Association”. The round table was organized by the Crimean republican public organization “Institute of Civil Society” and International foundation “Revival”. Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people was represented on the round table by Ali Khamzin, head of the public relations department of Crimean Tatar Mejlis, delegate of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people, head of International public organization “Bizim Qirim” Abduraman Egiz. The round table was also attended by Ayder Ismailov, head of human rights advocacy organization “Arqadash”.

The round table specified the significant issues that bother Ukrainian society today related to the European integration of Ukraine: “What “European choice” gave Ukraine for 20 years of its independence? What are achievements of European policy of neighborhood since 2005? What “Association” and “Free trade Zone” with the EU will give us and what can we do in order to “build Europe in Ukraine”? What are the European values and how can we combine European integration and friendly relations with Russia?”

Rustem Ablyatif, head of public organization “Institute of Civil Society” acted as moderator of the round table and Irina Solonenko, director of European program, representing the International foundation “Revival” greeted the participants and guests.

After that the word was given to the famous experts on European integration Suzan Stuart, researcher of foundation “Politics and Science” from Germany GRZHEGORZHU Gromadsky, independent expert from Poland Alexander Sushko, scientific worker of the Institute of Euro Atlantic cooperation, Ukrainian politologist, essayist Nicolay Ryabchuk, the famous Ukrainian journalist Vladimir Pritula, chief editor of TV and radio company “Chernomorka” Natalia Andronaki, honored consul of Lithuanian republic to Ukraine in Simferopol Sergey Petrichenko, head of Crimean organization of Ukrainian People’s party Oleg Fomushkin, program manager of UN DP in Crimea Kurtmolla Abdulganiev, representative of all-Ukrainian cultural-information Center Shevket Khalilov and others.

The participants underscored the importance of carrying out of such public discussions in Ukraine on European integration issues that forming gradually the positive attitude of Ukrainian society to this important issue. It was underscored that Ukraine is part of European home and the positive result of this important process first of all depends on understanding and attitude of Ukrainian society to the process of European integration of Ukraine, position of the authorities in all levels – local, regional and central in Kyiv. It was also noted that this process in many respect depends also on the position and aspirations of every citizen of Ukraine to live according to the rules of the basic democratic principles, live in open society and democratic state.

During an active dialogue its participants stressed that for the past 20 years since Ukraine gained independence the process of European integration in such special region of Ukraine as Crimea has significant positive result and the tendency of visible progress. In general the experts didn’t exclude that by the end of the year Ukraine and the EU will implement bold plans on ratification of the Agreement on association that would mean the beginning of new period in relations between Ukraine and the EU. It was also stressed that in the nearest future the European Commission will propose its own vision of renewed European policy of neighborhood in the framework of which the EU and Ukraine cooperate since 2005.

Ali Khamzin, head of the public relations department of Crimean Tatar Mejlis underscored that the democratic values and principles of non-violence of the National movement of the Crimean Tatar people during the return to Crimea after the deportation of 1944 served always a guaranty to the solution of the national problem of Crimean Tatars and enjoy broad support of world democratic community. “Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people since establishment of Ukraine’s independence always supported the development of the democratic principles in the society and European integration as a single guarantee of its independence and territorial integrity,” – Ali Khamzin noted.

In conclusion the participants of the round table expressed their gratitude to the organizers and proposed to carry out such events regularly attracting to its work various public organization.