
Commemorating Eugene Syaroy

27 December 2011
Commemorating Eugene Syaroy

Eugene Syaroy – Ukraine’s patriot, diplomat, native of Lvov, aged 58, dies prematurely on December 25, 2011.

Eugene Syaroy was an embodiment of infinite love and devotion to Ukraine with sincere honor to the Crimean Tatar people and understanding of its longing to return to its Homeland and restore its rights.

In 2000 – 2004 Eugene Syaroy headed the consulate department of the Embassy of Ukraine to the Republic of Uzbekistan and played the significant role in preparation and conclusion of a range of international documents between Ukraine and the Republic of Uzbekistan that radically simplified the procedures and conditions of acquisition of Ukrainian citizenship by Crimean Tatars who longed to return to their Homeland.

Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people expresses its deepest condolences to the relatives and friends of Eugene Syaroy over his death.

Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people,

MP of Ukraine

Mustafa Jemilev

December 27, 2011,

Aqmescit (Simferopol)