Charity Organization «Foundation for Development of Crimea» Announces 2nd Annual Competition on Ismail Gasprinsky’s Heritage

On the 162nd anniversary of birth of the great Crimean educator Ismail Gasprinsky the Charity Organization “Foundation for Development of Crimea” announces the 2nd annual competition, dedicated to Ismail Gasprinsky’s heritage. This news came from the CEO of the CO “Foundation for Development of Crimea” Alexei Skorik.
“This year the goal of the competition is to give the widest coverage of Ismail Gasprinsky’s life and activity in Bakhchisaray – the center of medieval Crimean Tatar state and a pearl of modern Crimea and Ukraine,’- Foundations’ Press Service reports.
The works submitted to the competition could be either earlier published or scientific works that have been never published before, stories, audio and video and photo-materials, current or earlier exhibited expositions, performances and any works and ides on media, relating to the topic of the competition, interactive works and etc.
The Foundation does not set any age or professional census, but reserves the right to reject the applications at the stage of their submission in cases when they mismatch the topic of the competition and/or violate the moral norms.
The works could be submitted in Ukrainian, Crimean Tatar and Russian languages, as well as other languages on condition that the applicant would make their parallel translation to one of the languages mentioned.
The competition’s money prize comprises 20 thousand Hryvnas. This amount will be distributed among the winners proportionally: the first place – 4,000 Hryvnas, two second places – 2,000 Hryvnas and three third places – 1,000 Hryvnas. The decision on the award of four prizes 500 Hryvnas each will be made by the staff of I.Gasprinsky Museum in Bakhchisaray and “Lariches” in order to encourage the museum and archive workers.
Additional 5,000 Hryvnas will be allotted in the framework of the competition to perpetuate the memory of Ismail Gasprinsky in his native village Ulu-Sala (Sinapnoe) if any.
The competition commission will be formed within 1 month after the announcement of the competition and list of its members will be published in the Foundation’s website.
The works submitted will be published separately, given the consent of their authors.
While submitting the work its author should specify one’s first and last name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence and other additional information on one’s own discretion. The works submitted will not be used without the authors’ permission.
Please email the works and/or any information relating to the competition to
The deadline for submitting the works is May 21, 2013, 23:59 on Kyiv time.
The results of the competition will be announced on June 15, 2013 in the website of the “Foundation for Development of Crimea”.
Note: “Foundation for Development of Crimea” addresses all future participants of the competition and observers asking them to show their activeness in preparation and posting of the information in various languages about the life and activity of Ismail Gasprinsky in free and popular web-resource Wikipedia. As Wikipedia is the information resource where the date is available free of charge. The Foundation can’t render the financial support to the volunteers, but will be grateful for their participation.