
Chairman of Mejlis Refat Chubarov: Our Common Goal to Proceed from Critics to Particular Proposals

21 December 2013
Chairman of Mejlis Refat Chubarov: Our Common Goal to Proceed from Critics to Particular Proposals

On December 21, 2013, the leaders of the Mejlis and heads of the departments of the Mejlis held the interregional meeting with the delegates of the Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar People, heads of the local bodies of the national self-governance, members of the local councils and heads of the Muslim ummahs of Edi Quyu (Leninsky), Kefe (Feodosia) and Kerch.

Mr Refat Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis, heads of the departments and services of the Mejlis Mr Zaur Smirnov, Mr Aider Ajimambetov, Mr Seidamet Yagyaev, Ms Emine Avamileva, member of the Mejlis Ms Gulnara Bekirova, the Head of the Revision Commission of the Qurultay MrAli Ozenbash, the Chairman of Alusta Regional Mejlis Mr Enver Arpatly, Vice Mufti of Muslims of Crimea Mr Enver Nogashev, as well as the newly elected Chairman of Edi Quyu Regional Mejlis Mr Lenur Ablyazimov, the Head of Feodosia Regional Mejlis Mr Ibraim Murasov and Vice Chairman of Kerch Regional Mejlis Mr Esat Batalov took part in the meeting.

During the interregional meeting the Chairman of the Mejlis Mr Refat Chubarov called the representatives of the regional and local mejlises to be active and responsible in implementing the obligations taken. According to Mr Chubarov, the task of the members of the bodies of the national self-governance is to hold the regular meetings with the nationals, keep the records of the meetings, as well as to inform the residents of the regions about the work done.

“Every regional and local mejlis must have the plan of work for the particular period, agreed with the nationals. Our common task is to proceed from the critics to the particular proposals. The work has to be made with the joint efforts for the sake of the people – it is a guarantee of the unity and development of our people,”- Mr Refat Chubarov said.

The heads of the departments and services of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People informed the participants of the meeting with the main tasks and directions of the work performed, as well as the schedule of reception of the nationals in the Milli Mejlis.

The Vice Chairman of the Mejlis Mr Zaur Smirnov drew the attention of the heads of the regional and local mejlises to a range of the organizational points that could help systematizing and improving their work. In particular, he announced six approved forms, the order of their filling-in and terms of submission to the Department of work with the bodies of the national self-governance, state executive authorities of ARC, local bodies of self-governance, deputies of the councils of all levels.

Mr Aider Ajimambetov, Head of the Department of relations with the veterans of the Crimean Tatar national movement, public organizations told about the necessity to continue the witnesses of the deportation of the Crimean Tatars and importance of the action “Unutma” and support of the petition calling the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine restoring the right of the Crimean Tatar people and adopting the corresponding law.

“On May 18, 2014 seventy years will pass since the genocide of our people committed by the communist regime of the Soviet Union. The Ukrainian state passed no legal act aimed at the restoration of the political, financial, social and cultural rights of the Crimean Tatar people thus in fact preserving an inequity and discrimination of the Crimean Tatars in the independent Ukraine,”- Mr Ajimambetov said.

According to his opinion, one of the main goals of the petition is the demand to the President of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to recognize and openly condemn the criminal deportation of the Crimean Tatar people of May 18, 1944 before May 2014. “Moreover, we demand the adoption of the legal acts aimed at the return, resettlement and restoration of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people, including the adoption of the law “On the elections of the deputies to the Verkhovna Rada and local councils of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea” providing the legal mechanisms of ensuring the representation of the Crimean Tatars in the Crimean Parliament in amount corresponding to at least their ration in the population of Crimea”.

The participants of the meeting expressed their readiness to hold the informative and explanatory work among their nationals concerning the issues and recommendations mentioned at the meeting and supported the necessity of carrying out the subscription to the national periodicals in Crimean Tatar settlements.

It bears reminding that the next field broad working meeting will be held on December 26, 2013 in Aqyar (Sevastopol)