
Chairman of Mejlis Mustafa Jemilev Congratulated Residents of Mamut Sultan Village with Oraza-Bayram Holiday

02 September 2011
Chairman of Mejlis Mustafa Jemilev Congratulated Residents of Mamut Sultan Village with Oraza-Bayram Holiday

On September 2, 2011 the residents of Mamut Sultan village (Dobrovskiy Village Council) Simferopol region celebrated Oraza Bayram that symbolizes the end of the sacred Muslim fasting Ramadan. The organizers of the bright event were the local Mejlis of Dobrovskaya Valley, Dobrovskiy Village Council, Charity Organization “Foundation “Krym”, as well as local entrepreneurs.

The creative collectives of Mamut Sultan village and unforgettable performances of the talented children of the local school and kindergarten illuminated the holiday with their national dances and songs, leaving only bright and positive emotions in people’s memory.

The leader of Mejlis Mustafa Jemilev congratulated the residents of Mamut Sultan village with one of the main Muslim holidays Oraza-Bayram, wished good health to all the residents of the village, God’s blessing and remain the patriot of their Homeland. The leader of Mejlis Mustafa Jemilev and the General Director of Charity Organization “Foundation “Krym” Riza Shevkiev on behalf of all organizers of Oraza-Bayram holiday presented LCD TV to Crimean Tatar groups in kindergarten “Vasilek” of Mamut Sultan village.

It should be noted with a special pleasure that this year one more national group was opened in kindergarten “Vasilek” for senior children, attended by 32 children. Moreover, 23 Crimean Tatar first formers went to Dobrovskaya school-gymnasium for the first time.

The General Director of Charity Organization “Foundation “Krym” Riza Shevkiev, Head of Dobrovskiy Village Council Igor Budanov and Head of Mamut Sultan local Mejlis Server Seyitumerov, as well as the Danish journalist Ota Tiefenböck who came to Crimea to gather material for his book about the Crimean Tatar people and human rights advocate, leader of Mejlis M.Jemilev, expressed their congratulations and wishes of success and good health, peace and prosperity to all residents of the village.

Then the guests and residents of Mamut Sultan village were pleased with performances of the participants of the national wrestling “Kuresh”, after that all the comers tasted the tasty palaw, national sweets and aromatic coffee.