
Chairman of Mejlis: Crimean Tatars Ready to Oppose Separatists

19 February 2014
Chairman of Mejlis: Crimean Tatars Ready to Oppose Separatists

He stated this in his comment to ZN.UA

“Even in the process of the restoration of their rights on their land that unreasonably delayed through the fault of the Ukrainian politicians the Crimean Tatars understand perfectly well the scale of the disaster that could affect Crimea and all its residents in case of any attempts of separation of Crimea from Ukraine,”- the Mejlis’ Head noted.

“Respectively, the authors and leaders of organizers of any separatist plans about Crimea should follow from the fact that the Crimean Tatars will oppose this,”- Mr Chubarov said.

It will be recalled that on February 4, 2014 during the session of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea the Parliament of the autonomy decided initiating the changes to the Constitution of the autonomy.

According to Mr Vladimir Klychnikov, the member of the Party of Regions in today’s situation in the country and “urging of Nazi groups to the power” that allegedly plan to eliminate the autonomous status of Crimea it is necessary to make amendments to the Constitution of the autonomy and address the President of Russia Mr Putin.

On February 7, 2014, around 1000 protesters picketed the building of Security Service of Ukraine in Kyiv demanding its head to deal with the “separatist statements of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea.”

The Security Service of Ukraine initiated the criminal proceedings against the preparation to the infringement on the territorial integrity of Ukraine.