
Ceremonial Laying of the First Stone into Foundation of Mosque in Yarkoe Village

21 August 2011
Ceremonial Laying of the First Stone into Foundation of Mosque in Yarkoe Village

On August 20 the first stone was laid into the foundation of Juma (mosque) in Yarkoe village. The ceremonial event were attended by Mufti of Crimean Muslims hajji Emirali Ablaev, President of the World Congress of Crimean Tatars, First Deputy Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov, Head of Saki regional Mejlis Zevdzhet Kurtumerov, Imam of Saki region Emirasan Umerov, Head of Saki regional Muslim Ummah Seytasan Asanov, residents of Yarkoe, Krymskoe, Yuqary-Jami (Valentinovo), Ashagy-Jamin (Geroyskoe) villages.

The ceremony started after the traditional Muslim dua (prayer) held by Imam of Saki region Emirasan Umerov.

After the prayer the national flag was raised to 15 meter height. The process was accompanied by the national hymn.

Mufti Emirali Ablaev and Refat Chubarov were invited to take part in the opening of the ceremony of laying of the first stone to the foundation of the mosque. In their turn they invited all children that were on the site of the future construction of the mosque to participate at the ceremony.

Mufti Emirali Ablaev, Refat Chubarov, Zevdzhet Kurtumerov and Seytasan Asanov made a greeting speech and spiritual instructions to the Muslims of Yarkoe and neighboring villages.

After the official part the event continued with the concert program that was attended by young Crimean Tatar artists such as Emine Mustafaeva and Ayshe Velieva as well as Crimean Tatar ensemble “Fidanlar” from Yarkoe village.

In conclusion of the ceremony the evening prayer was held. After that everyone was welcomed at an iftar (evening meal during the sacred month of Ramadan) that was organized by entrepreneurs from Saki Eskender Bilyalov and Dilyaver Seytkhalilov.

Server Adzhimambetov – Imam of the village stressed that the decision as to the laying of the first stone during the sacred month of Ramadan was made, because any undertaking started during this month would have a positive outcome.

“We laid the first stone with inscription “The mosque of Yarkoe village will be built here” on the site of the future construction of jami (0,5 Hectares) in Crimean Tatar and Russian languages and installed 15-meter flagstaff with constantly hanging Crimean Tatar national flag on it,” – Imam told.

Ayder Adzhimambetov