Central Square of Simferopol Was Agreed to Hold Official Memorial Events on May 17, 18, 2012

On May 14, 2012 the Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the ARC Aziz Abdullaev held the next meeting of the Organizing Committee on the preparation and holding of the events, timed to the Day of memory of the victims of the deportation from Crimea (the 68th anniversary of the deportation) in the meeting hall of the CM ARC.
The meeting was attended by the Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev.
The participants of the meeting heard the reports of the representatives of STRC “Krym” and the first Crimean Tatar TV channel “ATR” about the preparation to the live broadcast of the All-Crimean mourning meeting, commemorating the victims of the genocide of the Crimean Tatar people – deportation May 18, 1944 and decades of forcible keeping in the places of exile.
In addition, the CEO of ATR TV channel Elzara Islyamova addressed the chairing at the Organizing Committee A.Abdullaev, asking him to order the services concerned to provide the stable power supply during the memorial events on May 17, 18, 2012.

During the meeting the Vice-Chairman of the CM ARC, the Vice-Chairman of the Organizing Committee A.Abdullaev ordered Crimean Mass Media to inform the public about the changes in the train timetables on May 18, 2012 from Crimean regions to Simferopol and back.
The First Vice-Chairman of Mejlis, MP of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea Refat Chubarov noted in his speech that all the routes and the time of the beginning of the marching of columns to the Central square of Simferopol on May 18, 2012 were already agreed. R.Chubarov also informed the participants of the Organizing Committee that the level of the preparation to the memorial events was also discussed in details at Mejlis’ meeting and the issues that required improvement and agreement were worked out.

At this, the First Vice-Chairman of Mejlis added that according to the information, obtained from the City Council of Simferopol the representatives of one of Crimean public organizations applied to the City Hall of Simferopol to allot them the place on the Central square in Simferopol to hold a hunger strike on May 15, 2012 and meeting on May 18, 2012.
Addressing the Vice-Chairman of the CM ARC, the Vice-Chairman of the Organizing Committee A.Abdullaev and representatives of Simferopol municipal authorities Refat Chubarov reminded that in accordance with the earlier submitted application of the Organizing Committee on the preparation and holding of the events, timed to the Day of memory of the victims of the deportation from Crimea the Central square of Simferopol was agreed for the period from May 17 to 18, 2012 to hold the official memorial events. The members of the Organizing Committee confirmed that any other events on May 17, 18, 2012 must be held in other place or other time.
The Head of the Secretariat of Mejlis Zair Smedlyaev and representatives of the law enforcement bodies of Crimea confirmed the comprehensive agreement of the measures of safety in the places of gathering of people, transport and movement of the participants of the All-Crimean mourning meeting.
The CEO of ATR TV channel Elzara Islyamova also informed that the Crimean Tatar national anthem “Ant Etkenmen” (I Swore) in new improved format, performed by the professional artists, accompanied by an orchestra will be available soon on the official website of ATR TV channel.
In conclusion of the meeting the decision was made to agree individual questions in the course of work.