Bakhchisaray Commemorates Town’s Head Mustafa Murza Davidovych

19 December 2012
Bakhchisaray Commemorates Town’s Head Mustafa Murza Davidovych

On December 18, 2012 the Head of Bakhchisaray Konstantin Rubanenko initiated the events in Crimean Tatar school #5 in Bakhchisaray, as well as the opening of the memorial plate to commemorate the well known public and political figure of pre-revolutionary Crimea Mustafa Murza Davidovych who was the Head of two Crimean towns: Alushta and Bakhchisaray.

The event was attended by the MP of Crimea, Head of the Department of culture and education of Milli Mejlis Safure Kadzhametova, Head of Bakhchisaray Konstantin Rubanenko, Head of Bakhchisaray Regional Mejlis Ahtem Chiygoz, Deputy Head of Bakhchisaray regional state administration Galina Pekhar, Head of the Department of education Mikhail Sergeev, Head of the Department of education in Crimean Tatar language of the Administration of the secondary education of the Ministry of education and science, youth and sports of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Zarema Suleymanova, deputy principals of Crimean Tatar schools, Deputy Head of I.Gasprinsky Library, Head of I.Gasprinsky House-Museum Yakub Appazov, Davidovych’s descendants: Nadire, Sabriye – daughters Ediye Davidovych (Ediye – daughter of Yakub, elder son of Mustafa) Usnie, Nadir – grandchildren of Ediye Davidovych, Lilya Shaimardanova – granddaughter of Niyazi (Niyazi – grandson of Zore. Zore – Mustafa Davidovych’s daughter), and town’s residents.

Mustafa Murza Davidovych is a well known state and public figure, diplomat, educator. His role in foundation and development of Bakhchisaray and Alushta was inestimable. Davidovych’s efforts let to preserve the traditions and cultural values, strengthen the interethnic relations, and improve the system of education. The activity of town’s head was evaluated highly by the state.

Arriving at Crimea first in 1867 Mustafa Murza Davidovych obtained his education here and started working as a teacher. His supporter and associate was the outstanding Crimean Tatar public figure, teacher, translator, publisher of newspaper “Terdzhiman”, Head of Bakhchisaray Ismail Gasprinsky, whose ideas were supported and implemented by Mustafa Davidovych.

“The future of the nation is in the growing generation that must obtain good education,”– Mustafa Davidovych used to say. He made his best to improve the quality of civil education in schools and open the vocational schools. No governmental or zemstvo meeting on education and training wasn’t hold without Davidovych. “Only Ismail Gasprinsky, his school-mate and team-mate could compete with Davidovych in the issues of education,”– the contemporaries stated.

The election of Mustafa Davidovych the Head of Bakhchisaray confirmed his high authority among the town’s residents. He justified this trust with his concrete acts that were prized with the state awards.

Davidovych’s 22 year-period of his life and work as the Head of Bakhchisaray became the period of his formation as the state and public figure, politician and diplomat.

The participants of the event became the eyewitnesses of the opening of his memorial plate on Bakhchisaray secondary school #5 with education in Crimean Tatar language.

In the framework of the events the bibliographic readings, dedicated to Mustafa Murza Davidovych’s life and work were held at school.

REFERENCE:  Mustafa Murza Davidovych originated from an ancient family of Lithuanian Tatars. Young Mustafa obtained his education in Moscow Cadet Corps. After finishing school M.Davidovych moved to the South Coast of Crimea, Alushta. Here he taught Russian. In 1885 Mustafa Murza moved to Bakhchisaray where he was elected the town’s Head soon. He held this position for 22 years. In 1907 Mustafa Murza Davidovych returned to Alushta where he was elected the village headman, the Head of the Association of mutual credit and Head of Muslim charitable society of Alushta. Right at Davidovych’s period Alushta started turning from a big village into the flourishing town-resort. Here is just a brief list of what Mustafa Murza did for Alushta that could make credit for every modern mayor. When Alushta turned from a village into a town it received no lands or agricultural lands that remained at possession of the village. The new town had no revenue. It seemed like Alushta was doomed to stagnation now. However, due to M.Davidovych’s efforts the town’s budget not only reduced but started growing. Alushta obtained new lands, big stone house where the town’s administration, the Association of mutual credit, laboratory and various shops were located.

On December 21, 1924 Mustafa Murza died aged 65 after a long illness. Bakhchisaray mourned, Alushta mourned… “Today Crimea lost the cultural and public figure. The person who knew and understood this matter has died. The important matter – the statehood matter”. Out of respect for Mustafa Murza Davidovych’s personality Tsar Nikolai the 2nd sent two silver wreaths to his funeral. There were a lot of documents preserved about Mustafa Murza Davidovych’s work. The data about Davidovych’s noble family were included into Eufron and Brockhausen’s Encyclopedia. Henrich Senkevich wrote about them. Unfortunately his grave wasn’t preserve. It is not the time shat should be blamed for this. Mustafa Murza Davidovych’s grave stone was destroyed and a buss stop was build instead. Later on, a shop was built there. Today there is a buss station.