
Ankara Gave Last Honors to Ahmed Ihsan Qirimli

14 December 2011
Ankara Gave Last Honors to Ahmed Ihsan Qirimli

On December 13 the funeral prayer for the former Minister of Tourism of the Turkish Republic, General Chairman of the Association of Culture and Mutual Aid for the Crimean Tatars in Turkey Dr. Ahmed İhsan Qırımlı was held in Kocatepe Mosque in Ankara.

After the prayer there was a ceremony during which widow of the late Dr. Ahmed İhsan Qırımlı Chichek Qirimli and his sons Khakan and Jihan received the condolences.

The funeral ceremony was attended by the Minister of the foreign affairs of Turkey Ahmet Davudoglu, Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Turkish Republic Erturgul Gunay, General Chairman of the Party of the National Activity Devlet Bahcheli, General Chairman of the Democratic Party of Turkey Namyk Kemal Zeybek, as well as a lot of former and present MPs.

Crimean delegation, numbering the Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev, President of the World Congress of Crimean Tatars Refat Chubarov, Honored Consul of the Turkish Republic in Simferopol Seyran Osmanov, Advisor of the Chairman of Mejlis Ismet Yuksel, Director of Crimean Tatar TV State Company “Krym” Seytislyam Kishveev, Chairman of the International public organization “Bizim Qirim” Abduraman Egiz also gave the last honors to Ahmed Ihsan Qirimli who since 1987 was the General Chairman of the Association of Culture and Mutual Aid for the Crimean Tatars.

After the funeral prayer Ahmet Davutoglu, Ertugrul Gunay, Devlet Bahcheli and Mustafa Jemilev loaded the coffin with Dr. Qirimli’s body to the catafalque.

Ahmed İhsan Qırımlı’s body to be buried in Balıkesir.