
All-Crimean Forum «Euromaidan-Crimea» Takes Place in Simferopol

08 February 2014
All-Crimean Forum «Euromaidan-Crimea» Takes Place in Simferopol

On February 8, 2014, the All-Crimean Forum of the public-political initiatives “Euromaidan-Crimea” was held in Simferopol. The activists of the Euromaidans from all around Crimea, as well as the Head of the Secretariat of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Mr Dilyaver Akiev, members of the Mejlis Mr Abduraman Egiz and Eskender Bariev, Deputy of the faction “Qurultay-Rukh” in VR ARC Mr Leonid Pilunsky took part in the forum.

According to Mr Dilyaver Akiev, the forum was initially planed in the House of Officers. But when the activists gathered there on February 8, 2014 in the morning the door was closed and the plate “Day Off” was hanging on it, despite the agreement made about the rent of premises.

“The participants of the forum were not let into the building and they decided to go to the Office of the President of Ukraine in Crimea where they hold their meeting. Soon after the beginning of the Forum the representatives of different parties and organizations, such as Russian Unity, Russian Block, activists of Stop-Maidan and communists arrived. They turned up the music in their cars to drown the speeches of the activists of Euromaidan and chanted “No Bandera”, “No Fascism”, but the participants of the Forum didn’t yield to provocations,”- Mr Akiev said.

Mr Abduraman Egiz spoke on behalf of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People. “Euromaidan represents people supporting the clear rules in the state and their protest should be European – non-violent. Euromaidan is the demonstration of the right of the Ukrainian people for the European future. We  must understand that the changes should take place in people’s mind, not only in the system of state power,”- Mr Abduraman Egiz, the member of the Mejlis said.

Mr Egiz also noted that “due to the self sacrificing people protesting in Euromaidan in Kyiv the changes took place, but we must do our best that this process was peaceful. We, the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People are against the violent methods and we are against the seizure of administrative buildings. The state must function; the state bodies must perform their tasks. We support the European forms of settling the conflicts and combat for their rights peacefully.”

In conclusion the participants of the forum adopted the resolution unanimously.