
Ali Khamzin Met General Consul of Turkish Republic in Odessa Hussein Ergani

16 December 2011
Ali Khamzin Met General Consul of Turkish Republic in Odessa Hussein Ergani

On December 15, 2011 the Head of the Foreign Relations Department of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Ali Khamzin met the General Consul of Turkish Republic in Odessa Hussein Ergani.

The meeting was also attended by the Coordinator of TIKA in Crimea Akhmet Chinar.

The parties have discussed a wide range of issues, related to the problems of the deported Crimean Tatars in Crimea.

Ali Khamzin informed the guests about the situation, concerning the nomination of Bakhchisaray Khan’s Palace to the UNESCO Heritage List. He made a special emphasize that due to the joint efforts of the authorities of Ukraine, AR Crimea, leaderships of Bakhchisaray Historical – Cultural Reserve, Ukrainian and Crimean scientists and historians, as well as the direct participation of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people in solution of such important issues the certain positive results were achieved. However, at this he noted that the most significant period of work is still ahead, and it should be overcome by the joint efforts.

Ali Khamzin also noted that the work done was made due to two missions of the International expert commission on inclusion of the monuments of history and culture of Crimea to the UNESCO Heritage List, headed by the Professor Bernd von Droste. A great contribution to organization of the mentioned above visits was made by the mission of the European Union in Ukraine, headed by Jose Manuel Pinto Teixeira.

The parties underscored in their joint position that there is need in further studying of the monuments of cultural heritage of the Crimean Tatar people in Crimea.