Address of the 5th Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar People to Ukrainian Community in Connection with Stalinists’ Actions in Simferopol on December 21, 2012

The Crimes of two totalitarian regimes of the 20th century – Communist and Nazi ones – must be condemned elsewhere as crimes against a mankind.
No restoration of Stalinism in Ukraine!
On December 21, 2012 the regional branch of Russian organization “Essence of Time – Crimea” opened the exhibition, timed to the anniversary of birth of the well-known executor of peoples of the USSR Joseph Stalin. It also exhibited the pictures of Nazi criminals Adolph Hitler and Johan Ribbentrop.
The criminal activity of the odious personality of the 20th century J.Stalin that had the tragic consequences for Ukraine as well, condemned by the Law of Ukraine “On Holodomor 1932–1933 in Ukraine” of November 28, 2006 and the court decision of January 13, 2010 in compliance with them Stalin was found guilty in the genocide of Ukrainians. J.Stalin’s crimes were condemned by the Resolution of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly “Reunion of divided Europe” of July 3, 2009.
Recently one could observe the activization of the activity of various kinds of provocative organizations and venturesome persons in Ukraine and especially in Russia. They try to present the Communist malefactor as the most significant leader of the state “in the history of Russian civilization”. This humiliates the memory of many millions of victims of Russian people and other nations of the former USSR that lived through the monstrous crimes and unseen tragedies – Holocaust, Holodomor, mass deportations on the national grounds and mass repressions.
Organization of this provocative exhibition couldn’t help discrediting Ukraine that was entrusted the prestigious mission of chairing in the OSCE this year. As is known, the OSCE adopted a range of documents, thus condemning the Nazi and Stalin’s totalitarian regimes, responsible for “numerous military crimes and crimes against a mankind that brought the genocide, violation of the human rights and freedoms”.
The exhibition in Simferopol that wasn’t prohibited by the local authorities violated grossly Ukraine’s responsibilities as the OSCE member – state. Such situation doesn’t contribute to the cultivation of the feeling of sympathy and solidarity in the society, as it should be inherent in Ukraine as the European country.
We fully share the anger of our nationals that stopped the exhibition, glorifying the dictator, responsible for the genocide of the Crimean Tatar people that was deprived of its Homeland and that suffered the uncountable losses during the deportation.
We call Ukrainians, people of good will, belonging to different nationalities to support the just indignation of Crimean Tatars and spoke against any attempts to use the criminal’s personality to humiliate the memory of peoples and make provocations against Ukraine.
We have to get rid of the sickening heritage of Stalinism, two totalitarian regimes of the 20th century – Communist and Nazi ones.
We are sure that such “events” that have their goal to restore Stalinism must be restrained severely and punished juridically. They should be also condemned by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the President of Ukraine.
Delegates of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people of the 5th convocation.
January 12, 2013