
FUEN urges all sides to exercise responsibility and caution and warn against any actions which could lead an escalation of the situation and cause military tension in CrimeaFlensburg,

07 March 2014
FUEN urges all sides to exercise responsibility and caution and warn against any actions which could lead an escalation of the situation and cause military tension in CrimeaFlensburg,

Flensburg, 04.03.2014

FUEN urges all sides to exercise responsibility and caution and warn against any actions which could lead an escalation of the situation and cause military tension in Crimea. Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) expresses its deep concern about the political crisis in Ukraine and the fragile situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. FUEN urges all sides to exercise responsibility and caution and warn against any actions which could lead a escalation of the situation and cause military tension in Crimea.

It has an utmost importance for FUEN that stability and peace should immediately be established in Ukraine. We urge all relevant parties to refrain from unilateral actions and to engage in a meaningful dialogue for a peaceful settlement in the country with full respect of the territorial integrity, unity and independence of Ukraine.

With around 90 member organisations in 32 European countries, we are committed to protect and promote the identity, language, culture, rights and own character of the European minorities. The rights of minorities in Ukraine should be guaranteed, protected and promoted in Ukraine in accordance with international standards, norms and values.

We express our solidarity with our member organizations in Ukraine: The Society of the Carpatho-Rusyns, The Council of Germans, The Cultural Allience of Hungarians in Sub-Carpathia and Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People. We call for a dialogue and consultation mechanism through creation of special deputy’s commissions represented by all the political parties and all minorities in order to de-escalate the tensions especially in Crimea.