
MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev Meets Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Federal Republic of Germany to Ukraine Mr Christof Weil

04 March 2014
MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev Meets Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Federal Republic of Germany to Ukraine Mr Christof Weil

The parties discussed the events in Crimea with regards to the intrusion of Russian troops, seizure of state bodies, adoption of the decisions that destabilize the situation in the peninsular.

The German Ambassador supported the territorial integrity of Ukraine and assured Mustafa Jemilev that his country keeps track of the situation in Crimea and makes every diplomatic effort to solve it peacefully.

Mr Weil believes that refraining from the violent confrontation gives hope for the settlement of the crisis without any severe losses.

In his turn, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev expressed his gratitude for the active participance of the German Government in settlement of the conflict and attempts to influence the Russian authorities to preserve peace and lives of Crimean citizens.

Mustafa Jemilev told Mr Ambassador that the Crimean Tatars understand that the most danger now is provocation of military conflicts. He underscored that the Crimean Tatars still supports the integrity of Ukraine as a guarantee of one’s safety and preserving peace in both in the country and region.