
Turkey Is Ready to Provide Assistance to Updated Ukraine

23 February 2014
Turkey Is Ready to Provide Assistance to Updated Ukraine

On February 22, 2014, the newly elected Speaker of Ukrainian Parliament Mr Alexander Turchinov met with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Ukraine Mr Yönet Can Tezel in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Mr Mustafa Jemilev, MP of Ukraine also took part in the meeting.

The Ambassador of Turkey to Ukraine Mr Yönet Can Tezel expressed his gratitude to the Speaker of Verkhovna Rada Mr Alexander Turchinov for receiving him on the very first day of his election to this high position despite his business in this complex period for Ukraine.

H.E. Ambassador Mr Tezel announced his readiness to provide comprehensive assistance to Ukraine in overcoming the present difficulties and first of all, in providing the medical assistance to hundreds of the participants of Maidan, defending their democratic rights during the clashes with the officers of the law enforcement agencies.

“We could assist with medications and equipment, as well as sending special planes to transfer the seriously wounded persons to Turkish hospitals,”- Mr Ambassador said.

In his turn, the Speaker of Ukrainian Parliament Mr Alexander Turchinov noted that Ukraine really experience very hard days and in the present circumstances he has to perform the functions of the Speaker of the Parliament and head the executive branch of Ukraine. “Strengthening close relations with Turkey as a strategic partner of Ukraine has great significance,”- the Speaker of VRU Mr Turchinov underscored.

The Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine also expressed his gratitude to MP Mr Mustafa Jemilev who initiated the meeting with the Mabassador of Turkey in Ukraine Mr Yönet Can Tezel.

During the meeting the parties also discussed the prospects of increasing the volume of trading and economic relations between two countries that presently comprise 6,5 billions US Dollars.