
Mustafa Jemilev Demands Drawing Persons Calling to Separatism to Criminal Responsibility

22 February 2014
Mustafa Jemilev Demands Drawing Persons Calling to Separatism to Criminal Responsibility

“My colleague Mr Tomenko, MP stated that the Crimean authorities “got wiser” and refused from the separatist actions and statements,” – Mr Jemilev noted in the beginning of his speech on February 22, 2014. “To my opinion it isn’t quite true. Today the threat of separatism still preserves in Crimea, in other words the separation of the peninsular from Ukraine and its joining to the Russian federation.”

Mr Jemilev reminded that the leaders of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea are in charge of the separatist actions.

“The Head of VR ARC Mr Vladimir Konstantinov that made his visit to Moscow two days ago. After he returned he planed holding the special session of the Verkhovna Rada of ARC where the majority of the deputies of the Party of Regions had to adopt the statement about Crimea’s joining to Russia.

Only the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People’s prompt actions that consistently supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine and common sense of some Crimean politicians could mess prevent realization of this plan,”- he continued.

However, according to Mr Jemilev, the threat of execution of the mentioned scenario still preserves.

“We could stop the separatists for a while. But we, MPs of Ukraine need to make the corresponding decisions urgently. I ask you to appoint urgently the General Prosecutor of Ukraine, heads of the Security Service of Ukraine and Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as to draw to the responsibility the persons suspected in committing the crime in compliance to the Article 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and arrest them,”- Mr Jemilev stated.

Mr Jemilev, MP of Ukraine, leader of the Crimean Tatars also told that the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People made the decision to collect money to provide assistance to the families of those who died and treatment of injured fighters against the dictatorship.

“The decision was also made to recreate their children in Crimea. We will take care of them like our own children”- Mr Jemilev said.

From the tribune of the Parliament Mr Jemilev voiced the proposal of the Spiritual Board of the Muslims of Crimea to burry the bodies of the killed heroes of Ukraine in Independence Maidan to let our citizens and guests of our country to place flowers, give honors and pray for the souls of our heroes!