
Chairman of Mejlis Mr Refat Chubarov Thinks that Making His Appointment Mr Konstantinov Openly Invited Russian Military Forces Directly Involve in Crimean Situation

20 February 2014
Chairman of Mejlis Mr Refat Chubarov Thinks that Making His Appointment Mr Konstantinov Openly Invited Russian Military Forces Directly Involve in Crimean Situation

“Whatever happens in our state – this is our country, this is Ukraine! That is why in such disturbing time when the heads of some regions state that if we will not like the authorities in Kyiv we are ready to make steps towards secession from Ukraine they commit the same crime as those who shot in the streets in Kyiv,”- Mr Refat Chubarov, Chairman of Mejlis said, commenting on the statement of the Crimean Speaker Mr Konstantinov made in Moscow that he doesn’t exclude Crimea’s secession from Ukraine in case of worsening of the situation in the country.

Mr Refat Chubarov believes that the individuals who make such statements must bear responsibility for this.

“As fat as Mr Konstantinov concerns, being in Moscow in the capacity of the Speaker of VR ARC he made this statement that I interpret as the direct solicitation, in other words, invitation of Russian military forces to Crimea, as if saying “make something that we could call a session and proclaim the decisions we want and you expect,”- the Chairman of the Mejlis underscored.

Mr Refat Chubarov stated that the Crimean Tatars will not let realizing the “statements” of such politicians as Mr Konstantinov. “This is the political cardsharping during the hard times for the country. The Crimean Tatars just won’t let to do this! This is our land as well. This is the land of all those who live in Crimea and we don’t have another Homeland. We will live in a single state, but “Konstantinovs” come and leave.

The Chairman of the Mejlis Mr Refat Chubarov also expressed his opinion that Mr Konstantinov will be punished when the situation in Ukraine settles.