
Refat Chubarov: «Crimea with Love» Exhibition Are Source of Admiration and Internal Joy»

15 January 2014
Refat Chubarov: «Crimea with Love» Exhibition Are Source of Admiration and Internal Joy»

On January 15, 2014, the exhibition titled Crimea with Love opened in Aqmescit. The authors and initiators of the events were the painters of various genres, nationalities and generations that manifest the interest and love to the real, unique history and culture of the peninsular, preserved in the Crimean Tatars’ folk art.

According to the organizers of the exhibition that was held in the framework of the project “Crimean Style” the interest and love to the history of Crimea let them revive and develop the ancient traditions of the indigenous people of Crimea in the modern conditions.

The author of the exhibition, the famous painter Mr Mamut Churlu made a huge work. He studied the ornamental heritage, decoded the semantics of the ancient pictorial art.

Mr Refat Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Mr Shevket Kaibulaev, member of the Mejlis, Mr Ali Ozenbash, Chairman of the Revision commission of the Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar People, painters, art critics and Crimean community attended the event.

“It is very bright day not only because it is warm and sunny weather today. Not every exhibition and topic brings such joy to one’s soul. Today I feel admiration and internal joy,”- Mr Chubarov said.

The Head of the Mejlis also noted the great significance of the exhibition in fact representing the future of Crimea that unites its citizens. Moreover, according to Mr Chubarov, from the guests of the exhibition the wishes he heard the wishes that such kind of events being a unifier should be held more often.