
Mr Abduraman Egiz’s Working Contacts in European Parliament

15 January 2014
Mr Abduraman Egiz’s Working Contacts in European Parliament

In the framework of the working meeting to Strasburg, Mr Abduraman Egiz, member of the Mejlis takes part in the meeting of Paneuropean Working Group of the European Parliament. During the meeting on January 14, 2014, Mr Egiz will make the report on the situation with the Crimean Tatar people.

During his visit the Mejlis member Mr Abduraman Egiz also held a range of meetings with the MEPs – Mr Bernd Posselt, Mr Paul Rubik, Mr Elmar Brok, head of the Committee of the external relations, Mr Tunne Kelam, Mr Antonio Kansian, Mr Edvard Kukan, Mr Jan Olbrycht, Mr Lazo Tokesh, Ms Emine Bozkurt, Ms Enese Vaidire, Ms Zdravka Busic and Ms Elizabeth Zhegl.

The participants of the meeting discussed the possible steps of the international community to solve the Crimean Tatar issue and participation of the MEPs in providing assistance to Ukraine in overcoming the consequences of the deportation.

During the meeting its participants also discussed the possibility of implementation of the projects aimed at solving the most urgent problems faced by the indigenous people of Crimea.