
Mejlis doesn’t interfere with the editorial policy of the Crimean Tatar Mass Media, but urges to be the most objective and observe the professional ethics irrespective of the political situation and other benefits

24 December 2013
Mejlis doesn’t interfere with the editorial policy of the Crimean Tatar Mass Media, but urges to be the most objective and observe the professional ethics irrespective of the political situation and other benefits


of the Press Service of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People

Recently the separate Crimean Tatar newspapers published the adds and TV channels in the framework of the Crimean Tatar programs broadcasted the appeals to the Crimean residents to donate in support of “Antimaidan” or take part in it.

Our nationals the Crimean Tatars apply for explanations to the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People. Some of them were puzzled with the agitation for “Antimaidan”, as they think that the information published or shown in the Crimean Tatar Mass Media reflects the official position of the Mejlis. Others were indignant at this, as they recognize the Qurultay and the Mejlis the supreme executive representative bodies of the Crimean Tatar people and think that the Crimean Tatar Mass Media shouldn’t agitate for “Antimaidan” whose organizers and participants openly oppose the basic values of the Qurultay.

The Press Service of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People explains that:

– the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People doesn’t interfere with the editorial policy of the Crimean Tatar Mass Media,

– the Crimean Tatar Mass Media have their own founders or owners that could participate in the process of choosing materials to be published or shown. For example, the republican newspaper “Yani Dunya” published in Crimean Tatar language is managed by the Republican Committee of Information of ACR. In compliance with the Order of the CM of ARC №340-рof April 23, 2013 the budget of ARC provides “funds for informing the citizens about the activity of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea”.

At the same time, the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People always calls the journalists and creative collectives of the Crimean Tatar Mass Media to be as objective as possible when covering all areas of public life and observe the professional ethics irrespective of the political situation and other benefits.