
Chairman of Mejlis Believes that Tolerant and Educated Young People of Different Nationalities Will Serve Crimea in Nearest Future Better than Today’s Politicians and Managers

17 December 2013
Chairman of Mejlis Believes that Tolerant and Educated Young People of Different Nationalities Will Serve Crimea in Nearest Future Better than Today’s Politicians and Managers

On December 17, 2013, the ceremonial event timed to the 20th anniversary of the Crimean Gymnasium Boarding School for talented children in Tankove village was held in the Ukrainian Musical Theatre in Aqmescit.

More than 800 guests attended the festival of one of the most successful and creative educational establishments in Crimea and maybe even in Ukraine. Among them Mr Refat Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Mr Fevzi Yakubov, chancellor of the Crimean Engineering – Pedagogical University, the representatives of the republican authorities, faculty of Tankovoye Boarding School and its director Mr Memet Kangiev and its numerous graduates and students.

“Success is not accidence”- this slogan met the guests of the festival of Tankovoye Boarding School.

Mr Refat Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People congratulated Tankovoye Boarding School on its 20th anniversary and underscored that due to the well known reasons the multinational, multicultural and multi-religious Crimean society striving to live in friendship and consent should pay the special attention to the young generation, to those who will come to replace us, including the today’s politicians.

“Our duty is to show respect and support each other. Repeating constantly the well-known slogan “flourishing in unity” is not enough, it’s time to implement it in reality,”- Mr Chubarov underscored.

Mr Chubarov believes that the interethnic consent and respect to each other, to the native language and culture of one’s neighbor should be shown not only from the stage and on holidays, but should become a natural norm in the society. “We must equally make concessions to each other, look for the mutually acceptable forms of balancing one’s rights with the rights of one’s neighbors and friends belonging to other nationalities. We could relax when we’ll achieve this in Crimea,”- the Mejlis head said.

Addressing the representatives of the state and republican bodies the Head of the Mejlis thanked them for the assistance and support provided to Tankovoye Boarding School and noted that such progress must be in every Crimean school. “Our children have the equal rights and correspondingly they must have the possibility to study in their native language,”- the Mejlis Head believes. He also called the authorities to introduce the experience of Tankovoye Boarding School where the education is conducted on five languages in every Crimean school.

The Chairman of the Mejlis proudly noted that in the festival of the school he met many young men whom he first met when they were the students of Tankovoye Boarding School. “Today they are the strong and successful individuals that will replace us tomorrow in every area. We need more such successful, tolerant and educated young men – Russians, Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars all around Crimea. I believe that they will serve Crimea much better than today’s politicians and managers,”- Mr Chubarov said.

The director of Tankovoye Boarding School Mr Memet Kangiev told that the number of the schools’ graduates exceeded 600 people and many young men today work all around the world in senior positions.

“During these 20 years our school passed a challenging way of survival, but I’m grateful to that wind that always blew in our face and those mountain walls we had to climb, because achieving the today’s success was possible only through overcoming the difficulties,”- Mr Kangiev noted.

Mr Memet Kangiev also noted that the executive nature of Tankovoye Boarding School is not only the bilingual and today even multilingual education and high quality of education, but the main thing is that basis in the philosophy of the educational process is love, honor and spirituality to a person. “We started the tolerant dialogue of honor inside the school and continued it outside our school in many corners of the world,”- the director of the school underscored and thanked the faculty, students and graduates as well as their parents who have been helping Tankovoye Boarding School

for many years.

Note: Tankovoye Boarding School was founded in 1993. First it was called “Boarding-School for Gifted Children of 1-3 level”. For 18 years the school changed its name three times.

The first director of the school was Mr Huseyn Aydyn. In 1996 the former deputy director on educational work Mr Memet Kangiev headed the school.

On the first year the boarding school opened its doors to 54 students who graduated the school and entered various universities around the world, including the universities of Turkey, Poland, Russia and United States. The next graduates were also very gifted. Many students won the international academic competitions such as «INEPO», «ACCELS», the holders of the fellowship of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, as well as the winners of gold and silver medals.

In 2007 the boarding school obtained the status of the experimental educational establishment of the national level.

In 2009-2010 the boarding school twice entered the encyclopedia titled “Флагманосвiтиi наукиУкраїни“.

Up to 2013 during 20 years the boarding school trained and graduated more than 600 students. All graduates entered the universities and more than 90% were enrolled to the state budget section.

Many teachers who have been working in the boarding school since its foundation train and educate our children up to now.