
We Must Stop Sliding to a Disaster!

14 December 2013
We Must Stop Sliding to a Disaster!

Ukraine and all we, the multiethnic Ukrainian people experience the dramatic days!

The overwhelming majority of Ukrainian society’s aspiration to integrate into the European civilization, European political and economical community that in particular provides for the introduction of the contemporary universal standards of the relations between separate people, nations, religions, and etc. resulted in the furious opposition of the internal and external opponents of the European integration of Ukraine.

Today it becomes clear that the opponents of the European integration of Ukraine are ready to launch the direct conflict between people. With this goal the authorities started the unprecedented forced mobilization of the dependent people all around the country including Crimea, sending them to Kyiv. They were set the goal to oppose the participants of the peaceful action on the EuroMaidan.

There is a very high possibility that the tragic events provoked by the opponents of the European integration of Ukraine might take place these days in Kyiv.

In order to prevent the tragedy that may have the catastrophic consequences both for Ukraine and all the system of the European security, the constant presence of the representatives of the diplomatic offices and missions accredited in Ukraine, journalists and MPs from various countries among participants of the peaceful actins on EuroMaidan is very important.

I am sure that only our joint efforts could prevent the provocations and avoid the violence against the participants of the peaceful actions of the Ukrainian citizens.

Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People                       Refat Chubarov

December 14, 2013