
Mejlis Initiates Celebration of 700th Anniversary of Most Ancient in Ukraine Functioning Mosque of Uzbek Khan

02 October 2013
Mejlis Initiates Celebration of 700th Anniversary of Most Ancient in Ukraine Functioning Mosque of Uzbek Khan

On October 2, 2013, the working meeting was held in the office of the Mejlis chaired by the Vice Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, MP of Crimea Mr Remzi Ilyasov. The main item of its agenda was the preparation to the celebration in 2014of the 700th anniversary of the most ancient in Ukraine functioning Mosque of Uzbek Khan (Uzbek Khan Jami), located in the East of Crimea, in Stary Krym (Eski Qirim), IA QHA reports.

During the meeting the note was made that the events timed to the 700th anniversary of Uzbek Khan Mosque have to draw attention to the despair condition of the monuments of the Islamic and Crimean Tatar culture, architecture and history in the peninsular.

The Vice Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, MP of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea Mr Remzi Ilyasov, Head of the Crimean Tatar Museum of Arts Ms Safie Eminova, Chairman of Stary Krym Muslim religious community “Vatan” Mr Hajji-Rasim Sadredin, Deputy Mufti of Muslims of Crimea Mr Aider Ismailov, Head of I.Gasprinsky Crimean Tatar Library Ms Gulnara Yagyaeva and scientific worker of Crimean Historical Museum “La Riches”, lecturer of KIPU Mr Nariman Abdulvaapov took part in discussion of this issue.

According to Mr Rasim Sadredin, presently Khan Uzbek Mosque is in very dire state and some of its constructions require the temporary conservation.

The participants of the meeting decided to conduct a range of the significant events timed to the celebration of the 700th anniversary of Khan Uzbek Mosque. In this regard the participants made proposals regarding the events planed.


The Deputy Mufti of Crimea Mr Aider Ismailov proposed to hold in 2014 the International conference dedicated to the introduction and development of Islam in Crimea to discuss among other things the fate of the most ancient mosques of the Crimean peninsular preserved – Khan Uzbek Mosque.

In her turn, Ms Safie Eminova told that the agreement with “Ukrposhta” was already reached concerning the issue of the envelope depicting Khan Uzbek Mosque in 2014. It was also planed to create the permanent exhibit dedicated to the history of Islam in Crimea in the Crimean Tatar Museum of Arts.

The decision was adopted at the meeting to prepare and submit to the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea the draft resolution on the 700th anniversary of Khan Uzbek Jami in 2014.


Stary Krym is a real mine of history and monuments of culture of the Crimean Tatar people. Khan Uzbek Mosque – one of the most ancient functioning mosques in Ukraine will celebrate its 700th anniversary in 2014. It is the significant event in the history of the Crimean Tatar people. Last year the International scientific conference dedicated to the problems of Khan Uzbek Mosque was held and the decision about its obligatory restoration was made.

In this respect we decided to initiate conducting of a range of events timed to this anniversary. With this goal the decision was made to address the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine via the MP of Ukraine Mr Mustafa Jemilev and meet with the Minister of Culture of Ukraine and to give him our proposal containing the detailed description of the events to be held during this year. We also decided preparing the address to the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea with the draft resolution on the celebration of the 700th anniversary of Khan Uzbek Mosque in 2014 attached,”- Mr R.Ilyasov said.


Khan Uzbek Mosque (14 c.) is the most ancient of the mosques preserved in the Crimean peninsular.

Khan Uzbek who took the Golden Horde throne in 1312 ordered to build a beautiful mosque and higher Muslim school – madrasah in Solkhat. The construction of the mosque started in 1314. According to the Turkish traveler Mr Evlii Chelebi, under Mengli-Girey I it was the cathedral mosque.