
European Parliament Holds Urgent Parliamentary Hearing on Pressing Situation in Regards to Human Rights of Crimean Tatar People

26 September 2013
European Parliament Holds Urgent Parliamentary Hearing on Pressing Situation in Regards to Human Rights of Crimean Tatar People

On September 26, the European Parliament’s (EP) Subcommittee on Human Rights held an urgent parliamentary hearing in Brussels and discussed the report titled, “The Pressing Situation in Regards to Human Rights of the Crimean Tatar people.”

The report prepared by the European diplomat Mr Dirk Schuebel informed about the projects implemented by the EU in Crimea and permanent monitoring of the situation in regards to Human Rights of the Crimean Tatars

Mrs Inesa Vaidere, MEP from Latvia and Mrs Emine Bozkurt, MEP from the Netherlands also joined the discussion.

During the exchange of opinions at this hearing all parties focused the attention at the proposal of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People on hosting of the International Forum on restoration of the Crimean Tatar rights in 2014.

Mrs Emine Bozkurt expressed her fears of Ukraine’s indifference towards hosting of such necessary Forum for the Ukrainian state, and also underscored the importance of the EU’s compelling stand in regards to Human Rights of the Crimean Tatars.