
Mr Refat Chubarov Informed ХХIII Economic Forum in Poland about Crimean Tatar Problem

05 September 2013
Mr Refat Chubarov Informed ХХIII Economic Forum in Poland about Crimean Tatar Problem

From September 3 to 5, 2013, Mr Refat Chubarov, First Vice Chairman of the Mejlis, President of the World Congress of Crimean Tatars takes part in the work of the ХХIII Economic Forum on the invitation of the Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies. It is held annually in Krynitsa (Poland) since 1991 and it is a recognized event in the Central and Eastern Europe.

The slogan of the Forum 2013 is “Prospects of the new world order” – addresses the economic, public and political changes that brought the world economic crisis.

According to Mr Chubarov, the mission of the Economic Forum is the forming of the favorable climate for the development of the political and economic cooperation between the European Union and neighbor countries.

“Krynitsa is the significant point in the political map of the world where in such scale the East meets the West. Annually, the Forum is attended by over 2500 participants – leaders of the political, economic and public life, as well as 500 journalists from around 60 states of Europe, Asia and America. It is the biggest event of such kind in the Central and Eastern Europe,”- Mr Refat Chubarov said.

In addition, on September 4, 2013, in the framework of the Economic Forum the discussion seminar, titled: “Potential of conflict? The national minorities in the Central and Eastern European countries” was held. On this seminar Mr Refat Chubarov, First Vice Chairman of the Mejlis, President of the World Congress of Crimean Tatarspresented the Crimean Tatar problem in its modern dimension.