
M.Jemilev: Mejlis Opposes Participation of Crimean Tatars in Military Actions in Syria

04 September 2013
M.Jemilev: Mejlis Opposes Participation of Crimean Tatars in Military Actions in Syria

The Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev informed that the citizens of Ukraine of Crimean Tatar origin take an active part in the military actions in Syria on the side of Syrian opposition. At the same time, M. Jemilev underscored that the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People does not support their going to Syria and does not recommend Crimean Tatars going there.

Interfax-Ukraine” reports.

“I know one case when one Crimean Tatar died. He was the follower of Hizb-ut-Tahrir organization. The Mejlis does not support the participation of our nationals in this war, because we think that it is not our war,”- he said.

“In fact, there is an active agitational activity among Hizb-ut-Tahrir followers that one need to help our brothers there (in Syria – IF). The Mejlis doesn’t support such position, because it is not clear who are there on that side (in opposition – IF). We know that Mr Bashar Assad is a shit. But it seems like it isn’t much better in there (in opposition – IF),”- he added.

Mr Jemielv also underscored that one couldn’t say about any large-scale participation of Ukrainian Tatars on Syrian opposition’s side.

“Itisn’tso. Thesearesinglecases. They went there on their own will,”- the MP said.

He also noted that those who went to Syria are the followers of the Islamic school that is not traditional for Crimean Tatars.

“We, on the contrary, always say that one shouldn’t go (to Syria – IF), because, first, it is the violation of the law, second, it is not clear what forces are there.”- Mr Jemilev concluded.