
MP of Ukraine, Mustafa Jemilev Has Registered the Draft Decision of the VRU «On Celebration of 100th Anniversary of Sabriye Erecepova’s Birth»

08 May 2012
MP of Ukraine, Mustafa Jemilev Has Registered the Draft Decision of the VRU «On Celebration of 100th Anniversary of Sabriye Erecepova’s Birth»

On July 12, 2012 there will be the 100th anniversary of birth of the famous Crimean Tatar singer, the National Artiste of the Uzbek SSR, Sabriye Erecepova.

In this respect, the Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine, Mustafa Jemilev on May 7, 2012 registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine the Draft Decision #10438 “On Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Sabriye Erecepova’s Birth”.

This Draft Decision was passed to the consideration of the Committee of the VRU on Culture and Spirituality. In his explanatory note Mustafa Jemilev noted that the adoption of this decision doesn’t stipulate any amendments to other legislative acts.

He also noted that the implementation of the Decision demands the allotment of financing in the amount to be determined by the Organizing Committee.

Reference:  Sabriye Erecepova (12.07.1912 – 18.09.1977) is the famous Crimean Tatar national singer, the Honored Artiste of the Uzbek SSR. Any songs she performed became national. Devoting all her life and creativity to her native people she left after her as a heritage an inexhaustible love to the national song. Sabriye Erecepova was the first one who demonstrated on the professional level all the richness of Crimean Tatar song folklore. She performed the songs only of her people and became a kind of an etalon of singing mastery. Today there is no Crimean Tatar who wouldn’t love and be proud of her.