
Mejlis’ Leader Mustafa Jemilev Meets the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of French Republic to Ukraine Mr Alain Remy

18 April 2012
Mejlis’ Leader Mustafa Jemilev Meets the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of French Republic to Ukraine Mr Alain Remy

The Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev had an official meeting with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the French Republic to Ukraine Mr Alain Remy last week in Kyiv. The meeting was also attended by the First Secretary of French Embassy to Ukraine Mr Emanuel Berar and representative of the Chairman of Mejlis in France Guliver Altin.

The participants of the meeting that was held in French Embassy discussed the public and political situation in Ukraine, the attitude of the authorities of Ukraine and Autonomous Republic of Crimea to the problems of the Crimean Tatar people.

The French Ambassador Mr Alain Remy was interested in the role of the Ukrainian authorities in the solution of the urgent problems of the Crimean Tatar people, the level of the dialogue between Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people and the President of Ukraine, as well as the relations with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of ARC.

In his turn, the Leader of Mejlis told about the dynamics of the interrelations between the Ukrainian authorities and Crimean Tatars, about the failure to solve a range of problems in land area, education in native language, culture and etc.

The parties exchanged opinions on the preparation to the International forum on the restoration of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people to their homeland, its security and guarantees of development in Ukraine.

The French Ambassador was also interested in the political system of the Crimean Tatar people, the structure of its bodies, the system of election to Qurultay and the approaching elections to Qurultay.

The parties discussed the cooperation in the field of culture. Considering many centuries old relations of French and Crimean Tatar people, Mustafa Jemilev suggested creating a museum and cultural center “The House of French Consul in Crimea” in Bakhchisaray.

The representative of the Chairman of Mejlis in France Guliver Altin told about the essence of the project proposed. “The House of French Consul in Crimea” is going to be a museum and cultural center, showing many centuries old diplomatic and cultural relations between French and Crimean Tatar people on the basis of the museum and archival records.

The museum’s exhibits reflect the diplomatic relations between France and Crimea, the cultural ties between French and Crimean Tatars, as well as the modern contacts between France and the Crimean Tatar people. The main themes of the exhibition are: French travelers to Crimea (13-18 cc.), the diplomatic relations of the Kingdom of France and Crimean Khanate, the missions of French diplomats after the annexation of Crimea, the significance of Crimean Tatar language for French diplomacy and trade (The Parliamentary Law of March 30, 1795), France and Crimea in the 19th century (Napoleon’s plan to create the state of Crimean Tatars and Ukrainian Cossacks in 1812), participation of Crimean Tatars in the French – Russian War in 1812, the role of France and Crimean Tatars in Crimean War (1853-1856), immigration of French people to Crimea in the late 18th – early 20th centuries, Crimean Tatars in France (Ismail Gasprinsky, Dzhafer Seydamet and others), the role of Crimean Tatar painter Gazi Le Tatar in the history of French painting, participation of Crimean Tatars in Paris Exhibition of 1925, the scientific research of the history of Crimean Tatars in France, French museum exhibits, related to the history and culture of Crimean Tatars and Crimean Tatar museum exhibits, related to the history and culture of French people, French press about the Crimean Tatar national movement. The museum will be founded at the Crimean Historical Museum “La Riches” with participation of the Association “France – Crimea” (Lion, France) and Crimean French Society (Simferopol, Ukraine).

Guliver Altin also told about the activity of the Crimean Historical Museum “La Riches”. It his turn, Mustafa Jemilev explained that Mejlis provides an assistance in museum’s activity, as well as the solution of the issues, related to the customs during the transportation of the collections. The French Ambassador also noted that the French Embassy will provide assistance in solution of these problems.

In conclusion of the meeting Mustafa Jemilev presented the Ambassador the book of the historian and poet Halim Geray on the history of the Crimean Khanate, titled “Розовыйкустханов, илиисторияКрыма” (“Pink Bush of Khans or History of Crimea”) that was translated to French language.