
Mustafa Jemilev Received Delegation of «Union of Repressed Peoples of Russia»

17 March 2012
Mustafa Jemilev Received Delegation of «Union of Repressed Peoples of Russia»

On March 17, 2012 the Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Mustafa Jemilev received in his office the delegation of the Union of Repressed Peoples of Russia, and its head Arcady Goryaev.

The delegation consisted of the Head of Elders’ Quorum of the Balkars, Ismail Sabanchiev, Deputy Chairman of the Regional Public Organization of Dagestan “Public Council of Chechens” Sultan Shavkhalov, member of the Supreme Council of the Regional Public Movement of the Republic of Ingushetia “Mehk-Khel” (National Council), Issa Ahilgov, the President of the Karachai-Cherkess Public Foundation “Karachai”, Hasan Khalkechev.

The meeting was also attended by the President of the World Congress of Crimean Tatars, Refat Chubarov, Head of the Department on Information Policy and Relations with Public Organizations of Mejlis, Shevket Kaybullaev, Head of the Department of Foreign Relations of Mejlis, Ali Hamzin, Deputy Chairman of the Special commission of Qurultay for study of the genocide of the Crimean Tatar people and overcoming its consequences, Elvedin Chubarov.

During the meeting Mustafa Jemilev and Refat Chubarov answered many guests’ questions concerning the history of Crimean Tatars’ combat for their return to Crimea, their present situation in Ukraine, the system of the national self-governance, interrelations with the state bodies over the solution of people’s problems.

The members of the Union of Repressed Peoples of Russia told about the problems of the restoration of the rights of the deported peoples of the Caucasus and Kalmykia. The guests unanimously stated that this process meets many obstacles both federal and regional. The laws of the Russian Federation that were adopted twenty years ago “On the Restoration of the Rights of the Repressed Peoples” and “On the Restoration of the Rights of the Political Prisoners” almost do not work. It means that they do not serve as the legal mechanism of the elimination of the crimes, committed in the past and present injustice towards the repressed peoples of Russia.

The participants of the meeting also discussed the possible of cooperation in various forms in the issues, concerning the full restoration of peoples’ rights, responsibility of the state before the deported peoples in the Soviet time. The parties reached agreement concerning the necessity and possibility of holding of the Convention of the repressed peoples of the USSR and its possible location – Ukraine.