
Amdi Giraybay – Gem of Crimean Tatar Poetry

16 December 2011
Amdi Giraybay – Gem of Crimean Tatar Poetry

The jubilee celebrations, timed to the 110th anniversary of the famous poetAmdi Giraybay was held in Qarasuvbazar under such motto.

The organized commission came from Simferopol, consisting of the Chairman of the Permanent Commission of the Supreme Council of ARC on interethnic relations and deported persons, Deputy Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Remzi Ilyasov, the Chairwoman of the Association “Maarifchi”, member of the VR ARC Safure Kadzhametova, Deputy Chairwoman of the Committee on interethnic relations and deported persons of ARC Emine Avamileva, Head of the Union of Crimean Tatar Writers Riza Fazyl, deputy mayor of Qarasuvbazar Akim Cholakaev, chief editor of “Yildyz” magazine Dilyaver Osmanov. The celebrations were also attended by the representatives of the public organizations, newspaper, TV and radio journalists.

The participants and guests of the event along with the mayor of Qarasuvbazar Albert Kangiev visited the house where Amdi Giraybay lived and placed flowers to his memorial plate. The main part of the celebrations was held in the hall of the municipal musical school.

The scene was decorated with Amdi Giraybay’s portrait with the inscription «110 years» and “Gem of Crimean Tatar poetry”.

The exhibition, dedicated to Amdi Giraybay’s life and work was organized by I.Gasprinsly Crimean Tatar library in the lobby of musical school in Qarasuvbazar. The workers of the library told about the exhibition and answered the questions.

Then the famous master of word, the Honored Artist of Uzbekistan Riza Yusuf appeared on the scene. He read the famous poem of the author titled “To Young Tatars”. Riza Yusuf’s heartfelt and talented performance gave tone to the whole event. Then the host of the evening Dilyaver Osmanov gave the opening world to the Chairman of the Organizational Committee, Remzi Ilyasov. The Secretary of the Organizational Committee, Safure Kadzhametova, member of the Organizational Committee, Emine Avamileva, mayor of Qarasubazar, Albert Kangiev also greeted the guests.

Riza Fazyl, professor Ismail Kerimov, member of association “Maarifchi”, Shefika Abduramanova informed all the present about the interesting facts from the biography and work of the poet. The evening then was followed by the performances of the Honored Artist of ARC, Rustem Memetov and singer Edip Bagchasayli.

Pupils of Qarasuvbazar schools, artists of “Eshil’ Ada” ensemble performed “Namusly Kyz” (Decent Girl) and “K’arasuvnyn’ Dert Koshesi” (Four Corners of Qarasuvbazar) dances, as well as the dramatization of the poem “Ketme, Balam, Aiyptyr”. The student of the third year of the Philological department of KIPU Viktoria Etchinova declaimed brilliantly the poems “Jigitke” and “Ana Tilim” in Crimean Tatar language.

In conclusion of the jubilee celebrations Dilyaver Osmanov invited all the performers and the most active participants of the evening and expressed his sincerest gratitude to all who gave their share to the preparation and carrying out of the event. He also expressed his special gratitude to the Chairman and the members of the organizational committee of the jubilee celebrations, association “Maarifchi”, CRB “I.Gasprinsky Crimean Tatar Library”, Qarasuvbazar Regional State Administration, the Union of Crimean Tatar Writers, Reskomnats – sponsor of the event, organization “Qardashlyk”, and local entrepreneurs.

Remzi Ilyasov gave the letter of commendation of Mejlis to Riza Zait for establishment of the Charity Foundation named after Amdi Giraybay in Qarasuvbazar, Safure Kadzhametova gave the letter of commendation of Maarifchi to the Deputy Chairman of Qarasuvbazar branch of “Maarifchi” Vade Ametova for the active participation in the event, and Emine Avamileva gave the letter of thanks of Reskomnats to the Deputy Mayor of Qarasuvbazar Akim Cholakaev.

Then there was the performance of “Bairak’ Marshy” (Flag March) with senior pupils waving the national flags.

The anniversary of the famous poet turned into a real festival that gave the fine mod to all its participants.

Photo:  Maarifchi,

Zarema Yaliboylu