
Mustafa Jemilev Expressed His Condolences to President of Turkey Abdullah Gul in Connection with Numerous Victims of Earthquake that Struck Turkey

25 October 2011
Mustafa Jemilev Expressed His Condolences to President of Turkey Abdullah Gul in Connection with Numerous Victims of Earthquake that Struck Turkey

The Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev expressed his condolences to the President of Turkish Republic Abdullah Gul in connection with numerous victims and damages, caused by an earthquake that struck Van province of Turkey on October 23, 2011.

“We feel deep sorrow of the death of hundreds of people, caused by the earthquake that struck Turkish province Van on October 23, 2011,” – Mejlis leader’s telegram said.

On behalf of the whole Crimean Tatar people and himself Mustafa Jemilev expressed his condolences to the relatives and friends of people that died in the result of the natural disaster.

As is known, an earthquake of 7.2 magnitude struck eastern Turkey on October 23, 2011.