
M.Jemilev: Crimean Tatars Are Seeking Constructive Dialogue with Authorities

12 October 2011
M.Jemilev: Crimean Tatars Are Seeking Constructive Dialogue with Authorities

Prague – Crimean Tatars do not want to squeeze Ukraine. They need the International conference to assist Ukrainian authorities in solution of Crimean Tatar problem. The leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev stated in Prague at Forum 2000 – meeting of the world’s intellectuals under the aegis of the former Czech President Vaclav Havel. After his speech at the Forum the Radio Liberty invited Mr. Jemilev for the interview. The first question was about the sentence to the former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko.

– It was an unpleasant surprise, I would say, because I hopped that the decision will be a little bit wiser. We do not idealize Yulia Timoshenko. Though, we supported her on the presidential elections we thought that she was more democratic, more Europe oriented compared for example to the Party of Regions, and Mr. Yanukovich.

I think that being the Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Timoshenko maybe did some not quite right things. But she acted in the framework of the authorities, provided by the Constitution. She was accused in allegedly causing damage to the interests of Ukraine, ratifying gas agreements. Maybe she should hold talks in other way. Maybe, there could be other more advantageous conditions for Ukraine, but could one be sentenced to prison for this?

As for me, for example, Kharkov agreements on extension of the presence of Russian fleet for twenty years maybe caused much more harm to Ukraine’s interests. It is my opinion. If other authorities will come should Mr. Yanukovich be imprisoned? It’s nonsense.

– Does this decision of Ukrainian authorities improve or on the contrary complicate the promotion of your Crimean Tatar issue? As is known you are trying to gather the international public opinion to carry out the International forum on Crimean Tatar problems.

– The thing is that after coming of new authorities, maybe because we “voted wrongly” we faced with absolutely another attitude of the authorities. Though, I should say that the former authorities didn’t welcome us much. However, they believed that Crimean Tatars, under those circumstances in that region with such high level of xenophobia, chauvinism, pro-Russian mood that it could threw this region to the abyss of political extremism, clearly defended the integrity of Ukraine and it is the factor of stability. Moreover, Crimean Tatars strictly keep to the principle of non-violence. That is why we had at least any weak, ineffective support from the central authorities. Now everything changed. The main thing is that no problems of Crimean Tatars are solved. State involvement in the solution of the social problems is reduced to zero.

– You are suggested that this conference could be aimed against Ukraine.

– No. We stated from the very beginning that we are very interested in active participation of Ukraine in this conference, because our goal is not to cause problems in Ukraine, but to develop such recommendations, moreover with participation of the European community, European states in order to help Ukraine to solve the problem, inherited from the Soviet regime. However, unfortunately, here exist various interpretations: one tries to present the case as if Crimean Tatars want to force Ukraine, squeeze Ukraine to carry out this Forum. Though, in fact we are making everything openly.

Maria Schur
Radio Liberty