
Leader of Mejlis M.Jemilev Met With Young Scientists of Europe and Crimea

10 September 2011
Leader of Mejlis M.Jemilev Met With Young Scientists of Europe and Crimea

The International summer school “Democracy and identity in the post-Soviet Ukraine: Crimean context” was held in Simferopol from 5 to 10 September, 2011. The school was attended by the lecturers, postgraduate students, and students of German, Austrian, Sweden, Finnish and Crimean institutes.

The participants of the school had many meetings with various social and political organizations of Crimea, met with Crimean political scientists, historians and experts, as well as visited the historical sights of Crimea.

The program of the International school also provided for the meeting of the young scientists with the leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev. On September 9, 2011 there was an exchange of opinions between the participants of the school and the famous human rights advocate M.Jemilev in the warm and friendly atmosphere in the office of Mejlis on the most urgent social and political and cultural-ethnic issues from the life of Ukraine and Crimea.

According to the candidate of political sciences, lecturer of V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University Elmira Muratova, the main organizers of the International school were V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Humboldt University of Berlin, as well as the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). “Our seminar is dedicated to studying of the process of formation of Crimea’s identity, it covers various ethnic groups,- Mrs. Muratova continued. The participants of the school had possibility to visit various organizations of Crimea, including the representatives of Mejlis. It is a great honor for the young scientists and students to communicate with the famous human rights advocate and dissident, leader of Mejlis M. Jemilev and to hear his opinion about the events in Ukraine and in the world. Moreover, the name of M.Jemilev was repeatedly mentioned in many scientific conferences and meetings in the context of the formation and development of the democracy in the post-Soviet territory”.

In his turn, Mustafa Jemilev, greeting his guests at the office of Mejlis, noted that Crimean Tatars are interested in popularization of their issues on the world stage, especially when the young and perspective people show such interest. “Indeed, Crimea is one of the most sensitive regions of the Black Sea region. The development of events here as a rule reflects in several countries,”- M.Jemilev said.


The post graduate student of the department of social sciences of Humboldt University of Berlin Yulya Erner who works on the topic: “The role of the elites in forcing of the social-political conflicts in Ukraine” said, addressing the leader of Mejlis, that the tours over many Crimean towns in many respects helped the participants of the school to form their own opinion on the way of life and values of two main groups of Crimean population: Slavs and Crimean Tatars.

In the course of the detailed dialogue its participants discussed with the Chairman of Mejlis, MP of Ukraine M.Jemilev various questions, including the process of the European integration of Ukraine and the attitude of the representatives of the main ethnic groups of the state to this step, presence of the Crimean Tatar people in the bodies of the state and republican powers, as well as what influence the existing conflict situations evident or latent have on the Euro-Atlantic tendencies of the Ukrainian state.

M.Jemilev didn’t leave a question without response. He gave the detailed and comprehensive answers to all of them, noting that Crimean Tatars are the most consistent supporters of the Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine.