
According to Crimean Tatar Mejlis’ Leader M.Jemilev There is no Doubt That Period of Vasily Dzharty Being the Head of the Council of Ministers of ARC Won’t Remain Traceless

17 August 2011
According to Crimean Tatar Mejlis’ Leader M.Jemilev There is no Doubt That Period of Vasily Dzharty Being the Head of the Council of Ministers of ARC Won’t Remain Traceless

According to the leader of Crimean Tatar Mejlis M.Jemilev, there is no doubt that the period of Vasily Dzharty being the Head of the Council of Ministers of ARC won’t remain traceless. “He was an extraordinary and bright figure, a strong-willed man. One could disagree with many of his decisions, but he acted according to his principles. He had traits that many Ukrainian leaders unfortunately don’t possess today- courage, adherence to one’s principles, and ability to make decisions, regardless of the conjuncture, as it was in the case of Grand Mosque,” – M.Jemilev said in his interviews, attending the Council of Ministers of ARC to express his condolences in connection with death of the Head of Crimean Government. He (Dzharty) knew perfectly well what bark the chauvinistic Mass Media and various rabble could rise who want the interethnic discord in Crimea, nevertheless, he made this decision on the Grand Mosque”

The Chairman of Mejlis noted that there were decisions that we (Mejlis) won’t agree with, but Mr. Dzharty started quite reasonable dialogue, for example, on solution of land issue, and there were already some concrete positive steps towards solving this problem. “I can’t say about the future development of this situation,”- M.Jemilev specified.

Answering the question about the possible appointments to the position of the Head of Crimean Government M.Jemilev said that if Kyiv wants remaining here (in Crimea) “Makeevka’s force”, than it will be someone from this team, it seems more likely it could be Pavel Burlakov. “In case one will follow from another considerations, than there is no need to get someone from outside Crimea. You know, there are quite enough good specialists here in Crimea who could cope with powers of the Head of Crimean Government,”- he said.

According to M.Jemilev, the possible candidates to the position of the Prime Minister of Crimea that were mentioned in Mass Media, for example Anatoly Prisyazhnuk would unlikely to agree changing Kyiv region to Crimea, but if Mr. Yanukovych will give order… “The most stupid thing would be appointing A.Mogilev to this position,”- M.Jemilev considers. It could be regarded as provocation. It would be very unwise to appoint a person (Mogilev) who’s made so many negative things in Crimea and who said so many bad things against not only Crimean Tatars, but all deported peoples”.