
International Seminar in Istanbul

09 July 2011
International Seminar in Istanbul

June 9 – 24, 2011 the international seminar titled “Innovations in Education and Cultural Interchange” will be held in Istanbul in the premises of “ZÜBEYDE HANIM ÖGRETMENEVI” Hotel attended by the workers of education from Turkic speaking countries and Turkic speaking communities. The seminar covers Azerbaijan, Nakhichevan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Crimea (Ukraine), Tadzhikistan, Macedonia, Gagauzia (Moldova), Western Thrace (Greece), Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Turk-Meskhetians, Albania, Mongolia, Bulgaria and Uzbekistan.

Crimea was represented by managers, lecturers of higher education establishments, school teachers – 10 persons of 125 participants of the seminar. The agenda of the seminar – lectures of the famous Turkish professors, candidates of science, experience interchange and cultural program. The Head of the Crimean delegation – Zarema Suleymanova, Chairwoman of the department of education in Crimean Tatar language of the Academy of Sciences of ARC.

According to the Head of the Department of culture and education of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Chairwoman of the Association “Maarifchi” Safure Kadzhametova who prepared the workers of education to the international seminar, they had several consultations; discussion of the themes of the reports, souvenirs purchased and prepared the travel documents.

On July 8 Crimean the delegation left to Istanbul.