
“Murder of 19-Year-Old Girl Allegedly Committed by Islamists in Sovetsky Settlement is a Provocation,” – M. Jemilev

27 May 2011
“Murder of 19-Year-Old Girl Allegedly Committed by Islamists in Sovetsky Settlement is a Provocation,” – M. Jemilev

The Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev commenting on information on a murder of 19-year-old girl in Sovetsky settlement that according to some Mass Media illegibly was made under the law of shariah, called it provocation, because the killer has no any attitude to Islam.

“As I understood according to his father, their family couldn’t be regarded as religious; they even didn’t go to the mosque. The father is Crimean Tatar and formally they are considered to be Muslims, but there wasn’t even a hint of vakhhabizm! So, it could be regarded as a kind of provocation,” – Jemilev stated in his comment to ТСН.ua.

Mustafa Jemilev also informed that the representatives of Sovetsky regional mejlis applied to Militia along with the father of the detained. It turned out that the suspected was really a young man of 16 years old whose name was Bilyal Gaziev. They were school mates with the girl. Militia illegibly has evidences of this young man. However, later on when he was given an advocate, Gaziev told that he didn’t do this. He told his father the following: “Militia officials told me to say this… I’ve told then that I had no attitude to this, that I only walked her through. But Militia officials told me to say this,”- M.Jemlev told.

According to the Head of Mejlis M.Jemilev the fact that the murdered girl’s cell phone was found with him and his clothes had traces of blood testified against the young man. But, according to the examination it was his blood.

Jemilev also noted that the information about the murder, made on religious ground most likely was a provocation.