Leaders of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People to Meet with Crimean Tatar Public and Political Organizations
09 May 2012
Chatyrdag (Mountain) Climbing 2012
09 May 2012
MP of Ukraine, Mustafa Jemilev Has Registered the Draft Decision of the VRU «On Celebration of 100th Anniversary of Sabriye Erecepova’s Birth»
08 May 2012
Writer and Poet Isa Abduraman Celebrates His 75th Anniversary
08 May 2012
Residents of Dobroe Valley of Simferopol Region Celebrated the National Crimean Tatar Festival Hidirellez
07 May 2012
International Conference of Teachers of Turkic World was Held in Turkey
07 May 2012
05 May 2012
New Composition of Regional Mejlis and its Head Have Been Elected in Aqmechit (Chernomorsky) Region
04 May 2012
The appeal of the Presidium of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people to Julia Timoshenko to stop a hunger strike
04 May 2012
Kerch Celebrates Hidirellez
03 May 2012