Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Passes Draft Law of Ukraine «On Restoration of Rights of Persons, Deported on the National Grounds» in First Reading
20 June 2012
Mustafa Jemilev: «Crimean Tatars Do Not Need Kolisnichenko’s Law»
19 June 2012
President of International PEN-Club Mr John Ralston Saul Visits Crimean Tatar Mejlis
18 June 2012
Ural-Altay PEN-Club Conference to be Held in Crimea
15 June 2012
Meeting on Issues Relating to Development of Creative Association of Crimean Tatar Programs of STRC Qrim
12 June 2012
Next Meeting of Mejlis of Crimean Tatar People
10 June 2012
Crimean Tatar Cultural-Ethnographic Center to Open in Yalta
09 June 2012
Mejlis’ Leader Mustafa Jemilev Has Met With Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to Ukraine Mr. Troy Lulashnyk
08 June 2012
United Europe to Restore Justice to Victims of Communist Regimes
07 June 2012
Valentin Nalivaychenko: Simonenko Must Bare Criminal Responsibility for Justification of Stalin’s Crimes
30 May 2012