Presidium of Mejlis Demands Calling of Special Session of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to Abrogate Jaws Adopted on January 16, 2014 and Adopt Decisions Aimed at Peaceful Solution of Situation
21 January 2014
Refat Chubarov: «Crimea with Love» Exhibition Are Source of Admiration and Internal Joy»
15 January 2014
Mr Abduraman Egiz’s Working Contacts in European Parliament
15 January 2014
Participants of Snow Meeting in Trakai Were Given Official Address Concerning Situation with Crimean Tatars in Ukraine
14 January 2014
“Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Always Supported Decisions Aimed at Democratization of Ukraine,”- Head of Secretariat of Mejlis Mr Dilyaver Akiev
13 January 2014
Decision of Presidium of Mejlis «On Entry of Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People into Rada of People’s Union «Maidan»
26 December 2013
Mustafa Jemilev, MP of Ukraine Submits Proposals to Draft Law of Ukraine «On State Budget of Ukraine 2014»
25 December 2013
Refat Chubarov: Parliamentary Majority in VR ARC Must Take into Consideration Position of Those MPs Whose Opinion Differs from Opinion of Majority
25 December 2013
Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Congratulates Representatives of Diplomatic Corps and International Organizations Accredited in Ukraine on Christmas by Gregorian Calendar
24 December 2013
Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Congratulates Christians of Western Church on Christmas
24 December 2013